ECCN 2023



ECCN 2023

EpiCurrents was featured on the European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology 2023 in Marseille in the form a poster presentation. Below you can find the main points of the presentation and the original poster file.

The presentation included a live demonstration of the application. This has been taken down for the time being, but a new and improved demo version is in the works!

Poster presentation

What the EpiCurrents project is

  • A JavaScript library for viewing neurophysiological signals in a web browser.
  • Designed to be modular and can be tailored to different use cases.
  • Currently capable of displaying EEG, EMG, NCS and SFEMG signals.
  • Able to leverage Python (including SciPy and MNE) for signal processing.
  • Capable of running ONNX machine learning models.
  • Usable without any special server-side or client-side software.
  • For scientific and educational purposes, not for clinical use.
  • Free to use and released as open source.

Why you might need it

  • To offer open access to signal data featured in your publication.
  • To facilitate annotation of large datasets with multiple annotators.
  • To test inter-rater agreement for series of studies.
  • To visually evaluate the performance of machine learning models.
    • See the AI demo for an integrated ONNX machine learning model.
  • To utilize real-life data in education.
  • Or to use an accessible, platform-agnostic, zero-footprint, and highly customizable neurophysiological signal viewer for some other purpose.

How to gain access

Check the project’s online resources:
